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The list of sites built by us in the city of Murmansk and the region, consists exclusively of individual objects of design.


For the municipal administration of urban settlement Kandalaksha Kandalaksha area developed project documentation for reconstruction of district heating system in the village Luvenga, which includes replacement of existing heating, the use of boiler biofuel (pellets), The installation of individual heat substations to homes and public buildings of the village.

Developed project documentation for overhaul of the building of a city polyclinic ¹ 3 in Murmansk.


Designing chalets on the banks of Verhnetulomskogo reservoir at 110 km of the road Cola state border. The object consists of a number of wooden log buildings for accommodation and leisure facilities for 50 people on the shore of the reservoir in an ecologically clean area of the Murmansk region on the area of 5500 m2. Artistic and architectural image of the object in common with the traditions of old Russian architecture.

Reconstruction design of the building the boiler room at the fire station in the municipality with. Teriberka.

Reconstruction of the facade and roof of the building veterinary hospitals in the city of Murmansk with a preliminary survey of the building.

Reconstruction of residential premises under the bridal salon "Bride" in Murmansk.


In Monchegorsk (Murmansk Region), in order to implement the federal program «Affordable Housing», started designing residential buildings low. The project is aimed at residents Monchegorska - Workers towns - Kola MMC, as well as residents of Monchegorsk area. To this end, our company in the city allocated plots of land with total area of more than 20 hectares.

These sites are planned to build a town house, with two interlock dvyatikvartirnye attic houses, individual houses.

At present, the sites earmarked for development projects, carried out a full range of design and research and land management activities, developed and agreed with the City master plan for residential construction, engineering projects completed construction sites.


- For the MoD to. Teriberka (Murmansk Region), implementing a program of energy conservation, implemented projects translate to elektrootoplenie residential apartment buildings, developed and submitted to the Government of the Murmansk region and the «Union planners Russia» investment project to increase the attractiveness of the settlement and the further development of its infrastructure, including with proposals for the implementation of the backup power line settlement.

- Works to act as the customer-builder and a designer-General for Trade Network "Slavic milk", which involve the design and construction of more than ten separate retail facilities in Murmansk with the improvement of adjoining territory.


- Design a two shopping center «Plaza» total area of about 3 000 m2 in Kandalaksha (Murmansk Region).

In the municipality of. Teriberka, in the development of socio-economic development program, a survey of residential and public buildings to the development of technical advice on their condition, are estimates and faulty statements to the scope of work for each home, and determined, together with the head of administration, the schedule of works for repair of housing stock.

At the same time, the work done to develop energy conservation program, which includes a survey of district heating networks (houses and outdoor), electrical substations and networks of the village, old coal boiler, a heating optimal settlement providing for the transfer of residential and office buildings at elektrootoplenie partial replacement of heating networks.

For the MoD to. Teriberka Rostechnadzor received permission to use the 4.3 MW of electricity for heating.

The reconstruction of residential premises under the bridal salon «Thais» in Murmansk to finish the external facade of Technology «Senardzhi».


- Major maintenance on hand recosting GKRTS Chief of the Central Bank of Russia on the Murmansk region in the city of Murmansk.

Maintenance of the General Office Building garage Central Russia on the Murmansk region in Murmansk.
Overhaul of the court building the Murmansk region in Murmansk, which includes:
a) The full amount of input data to the performance of engineering studies;
b) The design and implementation of mansard floor overhaul cherdachnogo ceilings and roofs, predproektnaya study of six additions to the endorsement of the City Council;
c) A survey of bearing wooden roof structure of existing buildings, the implementation of the project and work on their strengthening and replacement.

The design and reconstruction of office CJSC «AUDIT + K» in Murmansk.


- Changing design facade decoration shopping center «Semenovskoe Lake» in Murmansk with the use of technology «Senardzhi».

Design and construction of additional office JSC «Baltic Bank» in Murmansk.

The design and reconstruction of confectionery shop «Fairy» in Murmansk to the performance of finishing the interior and exterior facade of the trade hall of Technology «Senardzhi».


- Reconstruction of the building CJSC «Ingosstrakh» in Murmansk with an additional warming of walls and decorated the facade of Technology «Senardzhi» to the performance of the functions of the customer - the developer and technical supervision. .


- Designing and reconstruction of the building premises Murmansk city hub of telecommunications: a cafe with dining banquet hall, lobby spaces, corridors, 1 st floor, Hall of operational meetings, cabinet director and chief engineer with the reception.

Built in the 80's - 90's.:

- Hotel accommodation «Spolokhi» in Kandalaksha.
- Tourist complex on the 100 seats in the village. Lovozero.
- Hotel accommodation «Hibiny» in Kirovsk.
- Tourist Hotel «69 parallel» in Murmansk.
- Sanatorium «Tamara» in Murmansk.
- Garage for 50 buses for the Tourism Board of Murmansk region in Murmansk.
- Cable-chair lift in the town of Monchegorsk.